Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a rheumatoid-like arthritis i.e. an inflammatory arthritis, associated with psoriasis of the skin or nails. Psoriasis is an auto-immune condition that causes red, scaly, dry patches of the skin. Not every person who develops psoriasis develops Psoriatic arthritis, it generally only affects approximately 30% of people with psoriasis. Psoriatic arthritis may affect only one side of the body or both.
Common symptoms include:
Usually, a person will be referred, most commonly by their GP, to a specialist rheumatologist who will make a diagnosis. As there is no specific test for Psoriatic arthritis, the doctor will perform an examination and make a diagnosis based upon the outcomes of a physical exam, personal medical history, family history, possible blood test results (often to rule out Rheumatoid arthritis), and perhaps even imaging tests which may also assist in ruling out other conditions which may be the cause of the symptoms.
Unfortunately, there is no cure, however having a multi-disciplinary team to control the symptoms will often yield the best results. Treatment is generally focused on controlling the levels of inflammation in the affected joints to help reduce joint pain as well as reduce the risk of long-term damage to the joints. Forms of treatment may include prescription medications, which can be given orally, topically, or as an injection; exercise; physical therapies; assistive devices as well as a low-inflammatory diet.
Exercise is an important part of the management program for people suffering from Psoriatic arthritis and biokinetics has many benefits:
It is often difficult to motivate oneself to do exercise, especially when having a flare and the pain levels are high. Having someone to be accountable to, helps to keep the motivation levels up and exercise often helps to reduce pain levels.
If you are suffering from PsA and unsure where to start with your exercises, chat to one of our Biokineticists to help get you started on a tailored exercise program.
The Merck Manual of diagnosis and therapy, 16th edition,
Approach to lower back pain F Moosajee, MB ChB, FCP (SA); A A Kalla, MB ChB, FCP (SA), MD Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa
Psoriatic arthritis – Diagnosis and treatment – Mayo Clinic
Psoriatic arthritis – treatment, symptoms and types | healthdirect
Exercising with Psoriatic Arthritis: Getting Started, Safety Tips, Best Exercises (